Apart from Vietnam visa on arrival, there is another way for US citizens to get an online Vietnam visa which is called Vietnam e-visa. Let’s find out more about this new way with Vietnam-visa via the following post.
What is Vietnam’s e-Visa?
Launched the first time in Feb 2017 by the Vietnam Immigration Department, Vietnam’s e-Visa, or electronic visa is one of Vietnam visa types via an online system, applicable for those who enter Vietnam via all airports, sea ports, and land ports within 30 days, single entry.
So, along with the Vietnam visa at the Embassy and Vietnam visa on arrival, Vietnam e-visa is a completely legitimate method to obtain.

Vietnam e-visa countries
Vietnam e-visa is applicable for citizens of 80 citizens only so please have a look at the list of countries as below:
- AND Andorra
- ARG Argentina
- ARM Armenia
- AUS Australia
- AUT Austria
- AZE Azerbaijan
- BLR Belarus
- BEL Belgium
- BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
- BRA Brazil
- BRN Brunei
- BGR Bulgaria
- CAN Canada
- CHL Chile
- CHN China
- – Including Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR passport holders
- – Not apply to Chinese e-passport holders
- COL Colombia
- HRV Croatia
- CUB Cuba
- CYP Cyprus
- CZE Czech Republic
- DNK Denmark
- EST Estonia
- FJI Fiji
- FIN Finland
- FRA France
- GEO Georgia
- D Germany
- GRC Greece
- HUN Hungary
- ISL Iceland
- IND India
- IRL Ireland
- ITA Italy
- JPN Japan
- KAZ Kazakhstan
- KOR Korea (South)
- LVA Latvia
- LIE Liechtenstein
- LTU Lithuania
- LUX Luxembourg
- MKD The former Yugoslav of Macedonia
- MLT Malta
- MHL Marshall Islands
- MEX Mexico
- FSM Federated States of Micronesia
- MDA Moldova
- MCO Monaco
- MNG Mongolia
- MNE Montenegro
- MMR Myanmar
- NRU Nauru
- NLD Netherland
- NZL New Zealand
- NOR Norway
- PLW Palau
- PAN Panama
- PNG Papua New Guinea
- PER Peru
- PHL Philippines
- POL Poland
- PRT Portugal
- QAT Qatar
- ROU Romania
- RUS Russia
- WSM Samoa
- SMR San Marino
- SRB Serbia
- SVK Slovakia
- SVN Slovenia
- SLB Solomon Islands
- ESP Spain
- SWE Sweden
- CHE Switzerland
- TLS Timor Leste
- ARE United Arab Emirates
- GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- USA United States of America
- URY Uruguay
- VUT Vanuatu
- VEN Venezuela
Vietnam e-visa ports of entry
Applicants getting Vietnam e-visa are allowed to enter the country via a list of entry ports as below:
International airports
- Cat Bi Int Airport (Hai Phong)
- Cam Ranh Int Airport (Khanh Hoa)
- Can Tho International Airport
- Danang International Airport
- Noi Bai Int Airport (Ha Noi)
- Phu Bai Int Airport
- Phu Quoc International Airport
- Tan Son Nhat Int Airport (Ho Chi Minh City)
- Bo Y Landport
- Cha Lo Landport
- Cau Treo Landport
- Huu Nghi Landport
- Ha Tien Landport
- Lao Bao Landport
- Lao Cai Landport
- La Lay Landport
- Moc Bai Landport
- Mong Cai Landport
- Nam Can Landport
- Na Meo Landport
- Song Tien Landport
- Tinh Bien Landport
- Tay Trang Landport
- Xa Mat Landport
- Chan May Seaport
- Da Nang Seaport
- Duong Dong Seaport
- Hon Gai Seaport
- Hai Phong Seaport
- Nha Trang Seaport
- Quy Nhon Seaport
- Ho Chi Minh City Seaport
- Vung Tau Seaport
- Vietnam e-Visa requirements
Getting a Vietnam e-visa is not so difficult, however, to be eligible for obtaining one, US passport holders should:
- Understand well what is Vietnam e-visa, and who can apply;
- Have original passport with validity at least 6 months beyond their stay in Vietnam;
- Passport have at least 2 blank pages for Vietnam visa stamp;
- Not falling into the list of suspension from entry prescribed in Article No. 21 of Vietnam Law on foreigners’ entry into, exit from, transit, and, residence.
How to get Vietnam e-Visa
Unlike Vietnam visa on arrival, applicants can get a Vietnam e-visa by themself (submit in person, directly with Vietnam Immigration Department) or via an agency.
For those who don’t have enough time, please contact Vietnam-visa.com so we can support you further.
For those who want to personally apply, please follow these simple but useful steps:
- Complete this Vietnam evisa online application form with personal information. Upload the passport’s information page and photo as well;
- Pay for the fee 25USD online;
- Check the result at the E-visa search menu with registration code, registration email, and date of birth. If your visa is issued, print it out and bring along with you when coming and exiting Vietnam.
Please make sure to check all the information before sending the submission as the visa can’t be changed or edited after issuing but you will have to apply for a new Vietnam e-visa.
Vietnam e-visa cost
Applicants will have to pay 25USD for processing Vietnam e-visa, but please be noted that this fee is nonrefundable whether the visa is issued or not, so it’s highly advised that US citizens ask for help from a guarantee service provider for the best result.
Vietnam e-visa processing time
If there are no special incidents, it normally takes 3 working days for processing a Vietnam e-visa. Therefore, applicants should check their visa status regularly to ensure you don’t miss anything.
Hope this post can answer clearly questions regarding obtaining a Vietnam e-visa for US passport holders.